High Performance Driver Education (HPDE)

What is it? It usually takes place at a race track, but it's not racing. It's learning how to drive your car at a high rate of speed safely, in a fun supportive environment. There's generally no 'time to beat', and it's not a wheel to wheel competition. Passing is done cooperatively and in accordance to strict guidelines.

I've been dabbling with HPDE since 2009, got a little more serious about it in 2011 when I joined Audi Club Northwest (ACNW), and I've been instructing HPDE since 2015. I'm going to use this website to share some articles about the HPDE experience. Most of them will be 'food for thought' aimed at those who are new to the sport and thirsty for knowledge wherever they can find it. Some will be aimed at new HPDE instructors, or those thinking about making the jump to the right seat. Along the way I might make a few bucks from advertising, or as I like to think of it, "gas money."

I'll also touch on Driver Skills (DS) or Car Control Clinics (CCC), which for most clubs are a prerequisite for HPDE.

Driver Skills Day



Steering Inputs


The Line

Going Off - the rules of 'going agricultural'

Taking Notes

Run Groups, comparing various clubs

Differences between ACNW and ACGG - Notes for those from the Northwest that want to attend an Audi Club Golden Gate event.

Routes to Willows, CA - ACGG runs an event early in January each year. Sometimes snow in the Mountains makes the trip down interesting.

Thoughts for instructors

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Send e-mail to: Todd Peach