Leonard Family Home Page / Genealogy
We just returned from Albert and Beulah Leonard's 70th Anniversary celebration. While we were there, it seemed like a good idea to start a website and mailing list to capture and share all the news, photos, and genealogy info that we can gather about this extended family.
Obviously we're just getting started, but this will be the place where we link things together as they come in. There's a link for joining the mailing list below.
Other Sources of Genealogy Info on the WWW
GED2HTML: A GEDCOM to HTML Translator - This is a shareware package that turns GED files (available as an output from family tree maker, among others) into HTML web pages.
Some of the other 'waters' out there (maybe even some of you 'bloods') might be wondering: where the heck is Emida, anyway?
Send e-mail to: Todd & Sharon <tpeach@gte.net>