Todd's Burt Bacharach Page
I recently bought Rhino's The Look of Love - the Burt Bacharach collection. This seemed like a decent topic for a webpage, so here it is. While Burt isn't really a lyricist (he depends on Hal David, Carole Bayer Sager and others) the songs have a definite style.
As I start this page, these are songs I've picked up around the web. Many came from Lyrics World, though they are not organized by Bacharach there. Marcia pointed me to another source, Bacharach Lyrics and Chords.
I'm making slow progress, but I'll share what I have. If there's an asterisk (*) after the link, I'm either looking for it or it's on my "to do" list to transcribe. You can download them all here, or look at them one by one:
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