Track Title:               April In Paris
Album Title:               The Columbia Years, 1943-1952, Vol. 11

Prime Artist:              Frank Sinatra
Lyrics by:                 E. Yip Harburg     (Edgar Yipsel H.)
Music by:                  Vernon Duke     (b. Vladimir Dukelsky)
From the Show:             Walk A Little Faster  1932 (S)

        I never knew the charm of spring
        Never met it face to face
        I never knew my heart could sing
        Never missed a warm embrace  till

April in Paris
Chestnuts in blossom
Holiday tables
Under the trees

April in Paris
This is a feeling
That no one can ever   reprise

        I never knew the charm of spring
        I never met it face to face
        And I never knew my heart could sing
        Never missed a warm embrace   till

April in Paris
Whom can I run to?
What have you done to   my heart?

Transcribed by Ron Hontz

From material submitted by
Larry Henares of the Philippines