Prime Artist:              Frank Sinatra
Written by:                William Arms Fisher
Adapted from:              New World Symphony - Dvorak

This version is from a US Treasury-sponsored "Guest Star" radio show in
December, 1948 promoting the sale of US Savings Bonds.

  Wherever we may be along about this time of year, our
hearts become sentimental pilgrims and head for home.  Because home is
where we all discover that Christmas is one time of the year when we
don't have to be wealthy to be rich.  Some of us remember Christmas as
the time when Dad gave us our first gold watch.  Others remember it as
the time when a charity organization delivered a Christmas basket to the
doorstep before dawn, so the neighbors wouldn't see and Mother wouldn't
be embarrassed.  But whether the hearth that cheered your family was a
fireplace of marble or a kitchen stove of cast iron, you'll remember
that your home was the richest place on earth, warmed by the richest
spirit on earth, the spirit of Christmas.   And that's why I've chosen
this next song to sing as a Christmas song.  It's not a carol, it's just
a beautiful pathway of friendly and understanding music up which our
hearts may travel as they make their Yuletide pilgrimage goin' home.

Goin' home, goin' home
I'm a'goin' home
Quiet-like, some still day
I'm a'goin' home

        It's not far, just close by
        Through an open door
        Work all done, care laid by
        Goin'ta fear no more

Mother's there, 'spectin' me
Father's waitin', too
Lots of folks gathered there
All the friends I knew

  One of the most precious gifts we have throughout the
year is one we often forget, the precious gift of freedom.  Freedom to
work, to play, to worship as we please.  Freedom to decided how we'll
handle our own future,  'cause we can make our future and that of our
families a secure one though saving.  We can buy Savings Bonds to take
care of that new home or an education for our kids.  No one says we
hafta buy 'em, we wanna buy 'em, 'cause they're not only an investment
in our own future, they're an investment in the finest country in the
world. So let me urge you sincerely, as we look toward a new year, to
plan for making it a secure year, for the regular purchase of US Savings
Bonds.  So long, everybody, and Merry Christmas.

NOTE:  This is an interesting unique take on this tune.  Classical
composer Anton Dvorak, while visiting the United States in the early
1800's, heard what was considered to be a "Negro spiritual" that stuck
with him when he returned to Europe.  He liked it so much that he made
it part of his "New World Symphony."  On all other versions I've ever
heard, including one by Paul Robeson, it is treated as a spiritual in
the manner of "Swing Low Sweet Chariot." The lyrics clearly suggest a
weak and weary slave looking forward to death as the only possible
relief from his bondage.  Frank's is the first I've heard to treat it as
a "Christmas song."

Transcribed by Ron Hontz