Track Title: Oh, Pretty Woman
Album Title: Stax / Volt Singles, '59-'68, Vol. 6
Prime Artist: Albert King
Written by: A.C. Williams
Oh Pretty Woman
Oh pretty woman sheOs the rising sun
Says all your cheap paint and powder ainOt gonna help you none
SheOs a pretty woman right down to the bone
So you just might as well still leave your skin alone
Pretty woman
WhatOs the matter with you
CanOt make you love me
no matter what I do
Oh pretty woman what you trying to do
You kept on foolin around till I got stuck on you
So you just drop that mess and come down off your throne
stop using my poor heart as a stepping stone
Pretty woman
WhatOs the matter with you
CanOt make you love me
no matter what I do
Oh pretty woman thatOs all right for you
Now you just go on doing what you want to do
But someday when you thing youOve got it made
You get in water deep enough so you canOt wade
Pretty woman
WhatOs the matter with you
CanOt make you love me
no matter what I do