Todd's Ray Charles Page

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Rest In Peace, Ray. You will be missed.

I recently bought the Rhino Box Set, RayCharles, Genius & Soul, The 50th Anniversary Collection.  Thisset is wonderful, and very well annotated.  The one thing it lacksis lyrics.  Between this set and a few other incidental compilations,I have about 120 tracks on file by Ray.  Out of these, roughly halfthe lyrics were not out there on the internet.  I began to transcribethe ones I could not find.

You can snagall the files on this page (updated 10/20/02) in zip format.

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I'm making slow progress, but I'll share what I have. If there's an asterisk (*) after the link, I'm either looking forthe lyric or it's on my "to do" list to transcribe:

Look inside this title
Ray Charles: Ray Charles - A Man and His Soul - sheet music at
Ray Charles: Ray Charles - A Man and His Soul Performed by Ray Charles. For voice, piano and guitar chords. Format: piano/vocal/chords songbook. With vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics, chord names, guitar chord diagrams, introductory text and black & white photos. R&B, Rock and Standards. Series: Legendary Performers, Volume 5. 84 pages. 9x12 inches. Published by Warner Brothers. (WB.TPF0144)
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