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Album Title: Don't Let Go Epic 1978 Rating: **
Prime Artist: George Duke
Vocal: Napolean Murphy Brock
Vocal: Josie James
Drums: Leon Ndugu Chancler
Guitar: Charles Icarus Johnson
Bass: Byron Miller
Percussion: Sheila E. (Escovedo)
Keyboards: George Duke
Producer: George Duke
Review: Trying to find something that can come close to the "Clark/Duke Project", this

wasn't it.
What Others Say:
Tracks: 1 We Give Our Love *

2 Morning Sun *

3 Percussion Interlude *

4 Dukey Stick *

5 Starting Again *

6 Yeah, We Going *

7 The Way I Feel *

8 Movin' On *

9 Don't Let Go *

10 Preface *

11 The Future *
. Tracks with a trailing * are missing lyrics in the linked files
Album Length (hrs:min): 0:42 Mag: 99.5

Lyric Link:

Webmaster: Send E-Mail to Todd Peach

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