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Album Title: Kihnsolidation Rhino 1986 Rating: **
Prime Artist: Greg Kihn
Drums: Larry Lynch
Guitar: Dave Carpender
Bass: Steve Wright
Keyboards: Gary Phillips
Producer: Matthew King Kaufman
Review: The hits I remember ('Breakup Song', 'Jeopardy', 'Testify') are fine, there's just

not enough here to sustain an album.
What Others Say:
Tracks: 1 The Breakup Song (They Don't Write 'em)

2 Jeopardy

3 Someday *

4 Lucky *

5 Reunited *

6 Small Change *

7 Can't Stop Hurtin' Myself *

8 Any Other Woman *

9 Happy Man *

10 Testify *

11 Sorry *

12 Remember *

13 For You *

14 Madison Avenue *

15 Rendezvous *

16 In The Naked Eye *

17 Anna Belle Lee *

18 Love and Rock and Roll *
. Tracks with a trailing * are missing lyrics in the linked files
Album Length (hrs:min): 1:04 Mag: 62.6

Lyric Link:

Webmaster: Send E-Mail to Todd Peach

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