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Album Title: Abbey Road EMI 1969 Rating: *****
Prime Artist: The Beatles
Drums: Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey)
Guitar: John Lennon
Guitar: George Harrison
Bass: Paul McCartney
Written by: Paul McCartney
Written by: John Lennon
Review: This 1969 Beatles album is still a masterwork 30 years later. This is one that

makes me flip the CD player off of 'random' and listen to the tracks in the order

that they were laid down. There is something thematic about this album that

may not leap out at you on first listen; it's vaguely disturbing to hear the tracks

out of order once the whole album has been digested.
What Others Say:
Tracks: 1 Come Together

2 Something

3 Maxwell's Silver Hammer

4 Oh! Darling

5 Octopus's Garden

6 I Want You (She's So Heavy)

7 Here Comes The Sun

8 Because

9 You Never Give Me Your Money

10 Sun King

11 Mean Mr. Mustard

12 Polythene Pam

13 She Came In Through The Bathroom Window

14 Golden Slumbers

15 Carry That Weight

16 The End

17 Her Majesty
. Tracks with a trailing * are missing lyrics in the linked files
Album Length (hrs:min): 0:47 Mag: 49.6

Lyric Link:

Webmaster: Send E-Mail to Todd Peach

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