Album Title: | Magical Mystery Tour | EMI | 1967 | Rating: | **** |
Prime Artist: | The Beatles |
Drums: | Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey) |
Guitar: | George Harrison |
Guitar: | John Lennon |
Bass: | Paul McCartney |
Producer: | George Martin |
Written by: | Paul McCartney |
Written by: | John Lennon |
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Review: | Very strong 1967album. Almost every track is a hit in its own right. |
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What Others Say: |
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Tracks: | 1 | Magical Mystery Tour |
| 2 | The Fool On The Hill |
| 3 | Flying |
| 4 | Blue Jay Way |
| 5 | Your Mother Should Know |
| 6 | I Am The Walrus |
| 7 | Hello, Goodbye |
| 8 | Strawberry Fields Forever |
| 9 | Penny Lane |
| 10 | Baby You're A Rich Man |
| 11 | All You Need Is Love |
. | Tracks with a trailing * are missing lyrics in the linked files |
Album Length (hrs:min): | 0:36 | Mag: | 6.4 |
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| Lyric Link: | |
| Webmaster: | Send E-Mail to Todd Peach |
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