Nikon Auto Focus (NikonAF) Mailing List
This is a mailing list for Auto Focus Nikon Cameras. This is an out-growth of the Nikon Manual Focus group. A number of members there expressed an interest in a similar list for Auto Focus topics.
If you're late to the list and want to catch up, you can view the list archive.
The list is currently unmoderated, anyone can sign up and post. There are tools that allow the list owner (that would be us, Todd Peach and Rick Housh) to boot people from the list, cut people off from posting, or turn it into a moderated list. We don't anticipate a need to do that. Things that are NOT welcome include:
Mechanics of the List
You can choose to subscribe to Individual Emails, Daily Digest or Web Based. In a small population, you probably want to start in Individual Emails mode. Every post will be sent to every member in near real-time (I see delays of 2-20 minutes, depending on traffic). As our list grows, some of you will prefer Digest mode, where all the posts for a given day are saved up and sent at once.
When you receive a post, it will always have the subject "[NikonAF]user's subject here". If you hit your e-mail software's "reply" button, the default address will be to post to the list itself. Be sure and edit down the original post to the bare bones so we don't waste bandwidth. If you wish to reply privately to the individual, you have to cut and paste their e-mail address into the "To" section of your reply.
You must be a member of the list to post to the list. Your e-mail address is viewable to the list community whenever you post. Only the list owner (that's us) can view the complete list of 'lurkers' e-mail addresses. The archives are viewable by the public as the e-mail addresses are x'd out.
Postings go to:
For those of you who don't have web access (how exactly are you reading this, then?) or are averse to the cookie-based web experience at, there are special E-mail commands:
Note that the above commands are actual e-mail addresses; you send a blank message to the above address, not to the list itself. The address that you send it from must be your subscribed address.
Simple declarations of Nikon and Nikon-related items for sale are welcome. State a price asked if you like. Conduct the actual negotiation (if any) via private e-mail. Don't use the list in an "auction" fashion, there's other places for that. Do not post links to your Ebay (or similar) auctions (we took a vote, and decided it's annoying).
We're all aware that we're relying on the trustworthiness of our fellow 'listers', there is no middleman here on this list.
What's Available
There are a couple of areas on the site that you may find useful:
Bookmarks - Otherwise known as links. Here you will find links to various Photography Web Resources (Lens test sites, FAQ's, etc.). List members can add their own home pages, favorite links, etc. here as well.
Shared Files - We anticipate using this area as a source of information that is hard to find elsewhere on the web. The handy thing about the shared files is you can save them and read/work off line, saving telephone connection charges. Your suggestions and input are welcome as to any other content you would like to see.
Manual Focus Nikon Mailing List
Back to Todd's Photography Page
Send e-mail to: Todd & Sharon <>