Sharon's Oatmeal Scotchy Cookie Recipe
Sharon borrowed the recipe from the back of the Nestle wrapper and riffed on it a bit.
mix dry ingredients in a small bowl.
Beat wet ingredients together until smooth. Gradually beat in flour mixture.
Stir in oats and then add chips/raisins or nuts.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Making these cookies is more enjoyable with the
Oxo Medium Cookie Scoop
We're also quite fond of our Silpat Baking Sheets
Bake for 7-10 minutes. Makes 2 dozen cookies.
Pan cookie variation - grease 15 x 10 inch jelly roll pan. Spread dough in pan and bake for 18-22 minutes or until golden brown.
. It's easier and less messy than using your hands or two spoons, and the consistent size and shape makes for more uniformly cooked cookies.
. This is a silcone pan liner that makes for very uniform cookies with easy cleanup. We've since bought some cheaper ones from Costco. They're almost as good, but they seem to go through a shedding / peeling cycle when they're brand new.
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