Volunteer Photography for Special Olympics of Washington (SOWA)

Photos of the 2015 Summer Games Cycling competition on Saturday, 5/30/15 are here:

Photos of the 2014 Summer Games Cycling and Soccer competition on Saturday, 5/31/14 are here:

Simplified download instructions - click on a photo, click on the three little dots off to the right, click the 'download all sizes' link, select how big you would like. like this.

Photos of the 2013 Summer Games Cycling and Soccer competition on Saturday, 6/01/13 are here:

Photos of the 2012 Summer Games Cycling and Soccer competition on Saturday, 6/02/12 are here:

Photos of the 2011 Summer Games Cycling and Soccer competition on Saturday, 6/04/11 are here:

Photos of the 2010 Summer Games Soccer competition on Saturday, 6/05/10 are here:

Photos of the 2009 Summer Games Soccer competition on Saturday, 5/30/09 are here:

Issaquah team shot is at the end of "soccer 3". You can grab the full resolution images for download from that site and do with them what you will.

Photos of the 2008 Summer Games Soccer competition on Saturday, 5/31/08 are here:

Photos of the 2008 SOWA Winter Basketball event at Kamiak High School (February 10th, 2008):

Photos of the 2007 SOWA Summer Games Aquatics Events can be found at these links:

Photos of the 10/28/06 SOWA Bowling Event at Kenmore Lanes, Washington, can be found at these links:

If you're looking for photos of the 2006 Ft. Lewis Summer Games, I'm afraid I didn't shoot this year. Unfortunately I suffered a home break-in in May 2006, and my photo gear was 'wiped out'. I hope to re-build my equipment and join my SOWA friends in the 2007 season.

I uploaded photos from June 4th, 2005, taken at Ft. Lewis Summer Games. These links will take you to www.ofoto.com, a file sharing service of Kodak.

I uploaded photos from June 5th, 2004, taken at Ft. Lewis Summer Games. These links will take you to www.ofoto.com, a file sharing service of Kodak.

Below are links to the photos taken May 31st, 2003 at Ft. Lewis Summer Games. These links will take you to www.ofoto.com, a file sharing service of Kodak.

Below are links to the previous batch of photos (taken February 8th, 2003 at Kamiak High School). These links will take you to www.ofoto.com, a file sharing service of Kodak. Unfortunately, the first thing you'll see is a request for you to enter email addresses and passwords before they'll let you view them. I recognize that they need to do this for purchases, but it's unfortunate they require it just for viewing.

Here's some photos from last June's (2002) SOWA Summer Games at Ft. Lewis:

A little background:

I've been photographing various events for Special Olympics of Washington (SOWA) for several years. My introduction (and the 'big effort') was the Summer Games held at Ft. Lewis the weekend after Memorial Day each year. SOWA uses the photos taken by myself and other volunteer photographers for the printed program, their own website, advertising and promotion. One of the first things I encountered when shooting at these events is athletes approaching me wanting to know what newspaper my photos would be in. When I told them I was shooting for SOWA, they were always crestfallen; they knew they were unlikely to ever see the photos.

Funding for this kind of shooting has been a mixed bag. My time is of course donated. For some events SOWA has provided film and processing or reimbursement for funds expended. One year my employer (Boeing, a big contributor of funds and volunteer manpower to SOWA) provided processing for my film shot at the Summer Games. In the long run, I have found it to be less hassle just to fund the film and processing myself and take a write-off on my taxes.

I am trying to respond to the challenge of making as many SOWA images available to as many people as possible cheaply and efficiently. The world wide web seems to be a medium that promises to do that. In years past, Mark Best (the 'coordinator' of SOWA volunteer photographers) and I have tried hosting websites where interested people could view the photos and if they were savvy enough presumably download them and print them. We didn't get a lot of traffic or feedback to indicate that this was successful.

I'm trying a new method, the photo sharing services of www.ofoto.com (a division of Kodak). Ofoto seems to be set up primarily for the 'far-flung relatives' model. If I upload my photos to Ofoto, they make them available for viewing on the web. I can then link to these 'virtual albums' from my website so that athletes / parents / coaches / SOWA officials can view them. Most importantly, Ofoto allows viewers to purchase prints for a fair price and handles the mailing of them. No money from these sales goes to me or to SOWA, the purchase price goes to Ofoto. I'm covering the film and initial processing myself. If you have thoughts on this, by all means email me directly or leave a note in my Ofoto guestbook. It's a tough balancing act between getting the photos out to the maximum number of people, not making money (or appearing to, for that matter) and not spending too much out of my own pocket.

Visit the album on Kodak EasyShare Gallery

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