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Todd's Lyrics
and Links
Links to Lyric sites for a particular
(scroll down for general purpose
This first section is for lyrics
that are on my site. Also I've added a site for album
reviews , where I also link in lyrics from my database.
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site or join my mailing list!
Fred Ahlert
Harold Arlen - Harold
Arlen section of my Ella Fitzgerald lyrics page
Burt Bacharach
- Burt relies on other lyricists, but his music is distinctive
Tony Bennett - New!
Alan and Marilyn Bergman
Irving Berlin -
Irving Berlin section of my Ella Fitzgerald lyrics page
Johnny Burke - Johnny
Burke section of my Frank Sinatra lyrics page
Sammy Cahn - Sammy
Cahn section of my Frank Sinatra lyrics page
Hoagy Carmichael -
Ray Charles
- I believe mine is the only Ray page out there with a fair number of lyrics
(about 50)
Ervin Drake - Ervin
Drake section of my Frank Sinatra lyrics page; I'm being helped along by
Mr. Drake himself on this one.
Duke Ellington - Duke
Ellington section of my Ella Fitzgerald lyrics page
Ella Fitzgerald-
I believe mine is the only Ella page out there with a number of lyrics
(about 200)
Judy Garland
- One of my traditional lyrics pages, a nice Bio and a songlist.
George and Ira Gershwin
- George and Ira Gershwin section of my Ella Fitzgerald lyrics page
Oscar Hammerstein
- I had let Oscar's lyrics sneak into the Rodgers and Hart page; no more, he has a page of his own.
Jerome Kern - Jerome
Kern section of my Ella Fitzgerald lyrics page
Kenny Loggins-
Diana Krall - New!-
Johnny Mercer- Johnny
Mercer section of my Ella Fitzgerald lyrics page
Cole Porter - Cole
Porter section of my Ella Fitzgerald lyrics page
Rodgers and Hart -
Rodgers and Hart section of my Ella Fitzgerald lyrics page.
Frank Sinatra -
900+ Frank lyrics
Jule Styne - Jule
Styne section of my Frank Sinatra lyrics page
Sarah Vaughan -
Jimmy Van Heusen
- This jumps to the Jimmy Van Heusen section of my Frank
Sinatra lyrics page
Stevie Wonder -
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Todd's Album Reviews
- 800+ album reviews
of CDs in my collection - most with lyrics; also a few more 'artist lyric
'Nice Decade' 70s lyrics-
My own page of 160 - 70s lyrics from the Rhino set 'Nice Decade'
60s lyrics-
My own page of 60s lyrics from various collections
Vintage R&B (a-l)-(m-z)
- An odd assortment of old Motown / Atlantic / Stax / Whatever Rhythm &Blues
lyrics (about 275)
Todd Peach's Page of Different Songs
with Similar Names
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Lyric Links (not part of this site)
is a list of lyric links for artists
that I like. It's not all-encompassing; I use it to post links for
artists that are very difficult to find, or if I've found a site that is
unusually well-focussed on an otherwise popular artist.
Brave Combo
Adams -
Berlin - Another page with a complete 'sonography' and more lyrics.
Eye View - Peter Stuart maintains this one himself (or so it appears).
Lyrics, interpretations.
Bob Dylan
Wind and Fire
Ben Folds Five
Colin James
- Coming soon.
Kravitz - "Always On The Run" - This guy has quite a site;
more than just Lenny.
Huey Lewis
and the News
m-pact - No lyrics
here, but I just saw these guys for the first time, and they blew my socks
off! A five part a cappella outfit with some shades of Take 6 and Bobby
McFerrin, these boys are going places.
The Pursuit
of Happiness
Schoen Quintet - no lyrics on this site, but
Bob sent along a CD and songbook of his original songs; check out his site
if you're in the San Francisco bay area and enjoy live music.
Supremes - They're pretty much all here, plus they covered many
other popular songs of the era.
Taylor -
Halen - Follow the link to "the music"
Harry Warren - Harry didn't write many lyrics, but his music is very well-known.
Mudville's Finest
- Buy their 'Older Than Dirt' CD. Over the years, I've had about a dozen folks send me their CD's as a favor
or because they thought it would interest me. This one brings a smile to my face whenever I play it.
The musicianship is first rate, and the singer is, shall we say, 'unique'.
World in Brazil - This
has a charts based interface that goes back to 1930; if the song you're
looking for "charted", it will be here.
Lyrics Library - Home Page - Wayne Garvin keeps
this one humming with a huge list of lyric links.
Newsgroup Homepage - Erin Wilson has taken on the mantle of 'Lyrics Goddess' (and
keeps us all in line). alt.music.lyrics is a great bunch of folks who represent a *huge* body of music knowledge.
The questions about lyrics that I can't answer should definitely be directed there.
Star Lyrics Scene - Lots of stuff, I like it for the R&B.
Lyrics And Music Links
Always on
the Run - Hard to pin down this guys interests, but if he's got
it, he's got it in spades.
Welcome to the Ultimate
Band List - If a band is current, you'll likely
find a link to websites here.
All-Music Guide-
No lyrics, but you can find clues to artist identity here.
Harry's Blues Lyrics Online
- 2,700+ Blues lyrics, and 1,400+ soundclips.
Rainbow of Lyrics
- Walter Vogel runs this one.
Popular Song Vocalists of the Big Bands
- No lyrics, but an interesting list of vocalists from '35-'45.
KIDiddles Musical Mouseum of Kid's Song Lyrics
- Many obscure Kid's songs here.
Maree's Album Lyrics - This site is new, and Maree welcomes any help you can lend with fine-tuning lyrics.
Rabid Squirrel's Jazz Archive! - Rabid says his site is a favorite of 'shower singers'; give it a try.
Peace In The Valley - Serge has a nice collection of popular Gospel lyrics.
Sing A Song - The webmaster bills this as 'Songs you Sing with Good Friends at a Party'. The songs appear to be filed by their first line rather than title.
Lyrics Made Famous by Bing Crosby -
http://www.song1.com/ - These guys claim to be 'the fastest song lyric search on the web'; I haven't figured out how to get it to give up lyrics, but it's a useful resource for identifying songs and writers.
Heptune Classical Jazz and Blues Lyrics Page - Compiled from recordings from the first part of the 20th century.
R K's Juke Box - Links to all manner of artist sites, not just lyrics.
Lyrics Lodge - Mostly Broadway Show Lyrics.
Smick and Smodoo's World - Midi's, Lyrics, and a bunch of other stuff. A bit heavy on graphics and bandwidth.
OperaGlass - Libretti, Source Texts, Performance Histories, Synopses and Discographies.
http://www.gracenote.com - Answers for those 'what CD is this song on?' questions.
Songwriters Hall of Fame - Bios, Discograpgys and other info on songwriters.
THE R.N.SHROUT WEBSITE - This oddly named website is primarily a collection of songwriter info. The webmaster cites his 150 'greatest songwriters' and offers up bios and links for each.
SoundTrack Lyrics from Movies, Cartoons, TV or Musicals
Lucky Strike Cigarettes Hit Parade Radio Show - 1935 - 1955
- No lyrics, but a nice list of Hit Parade Winners organized by year.
- website dedicated to selling original fresh and exclusive arrangements of
classic 20's/30's/40's/50's standards as well as jazz and big band arrangements of pops for the discerning vocalist.
Collection of Musicals Lyrics and Libretti
- This Russian website seems to have many obscure lyrics from musicals; check it out!
- Music Lyrics and translations of popular artists songs
http://www.hit-country-music-lyrics.com/ - Like the URL says, lyrics to hit country songs.
http://www.classicmovies.org// - Like the URL says, Information about classic movies.
http://www.top40db.net/ - Lyrics to Top 40 hits going back to 1955.
www.searchmusicnetwork.com - A large ambitious site with tumbnail screenshot / links to many music related sites.
KCEA - 89.1 FM - The sounds of the swing era. Streaming audio.
http://freepianoinstrumental.com/ - Get all the piano sheet music of the latest hits.
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